On the 29th April I spent three hours in the late afternoon with Thomas Guasch of Baron de Signognac/Chateau Bordeneuve. A humble genius. It was a privilege. You can see his new planting of 4ha of Ugni Blanc here and his continuous still. He is in charge of everything - from planting to vinification to distilling and ageing. He only uses local Gascon oak. Half an hour before I arrived, I had tasted a complex blend of some of the best vintages between 1865 and 1974. Then, up first at Sigognac, was Thomas' VS. It really hit the spot for me. Wonderfully fresh, aromas and flavours of orange, apricot, honey and peach. Very smooth and very good length. 1/3 Baco Blanc and 2/3 Ugni Blanc. 3 years in oak. As I walked through the bottling operation I saw a palate of Baron de Pibrac - exclusive to Oddbins (I used to sell it to cognac-wanting customers at Christmas! I couldn't possibly sell them a cognac when I had something much superior to offer: Pibrac). He told me it was the same product as the Sigognac VS. Oddbins are selling this for £16.99 for 70cl. It has to be one of the best grape spirit bargains to be had in the UK. A must-have. Available from Oddbins stores or have it delivered at http://www.oddbins.com/products/productDetail.asp?productcode=87000. Even with £5.99 delivery, it is still a bargain.
I have a bottle of armagnac with the following label:
ReplyDelete"Fine d'Armagnac
Vieillie dans son fut de chene
Reserve de la Maison Blanche"
If anyone knows anything about this Armagnac, please let me know, it has been in my family for years.
thank you,
Hi Todd. There is no trace of this brand at the BNIA. I can tell you that 1898 is a very rare vintage with less than 1000 bottles in the Armagnac cellars. A photo would be very helpful. If you can take a photo of the bottles and send it to me at info@ArmagnacUK.co.uk I will do my best to find out what I can for you.
ReplyDeleteBest wishes and thank you for your comment.